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Doghouse Repair Month

July 1, 2020

July is Doghouse Repair Month! If your canine buddy has a house of his own, this is a great time to take a good look at it. A Salem, VA vet offers some tips on maintaining—or even ‘pupgrading’—doghouses below.


First and foremost, give Fido’s doghouse a good cleaning. Be sure to get into those corners! Rinse it thoroughly after. If you have bedding in there, remove that as well. We actually don’t recommend putting beds in doghouses, as these tend to attract mice and fleas. Your four-legged friend would probably prefer not to have any roommates! Use a soft mat or carpet instead. Regular check-ups with our Veterinary Services can also help ensure your pup stays healthy and free from parasites.


Take a close look at Fido’s outdoor home. You’ll want to check for things like nails sticking out, splinters, sharp edges, holes, and rotted areas. These can be quite dangerous! If there are too many issues, it’s best to just replace the doghouse.


Speaking of replacements, if your pooch needs a new doghouse, you’ll want to keep some things in mind when shopping. Your canine pal’s house should be comfortable, but not too big. You want Fido to think of it as a cozy den, not a huge mansion. Also, choose something that offers good insulation, and has the door set to one side. Last but not least, avoid pressure-treated wood. The chemicals used to process it aren’t safe for dogs.


Ideally, Fido’s doghouse should be raised up off the ground a bit. Depending on where it’s located, you may want to reposition it. In winter, you want the opening to face away from prevailing winds. However, in summer, your pup may enjoy a cool breeze. However, you don’t want to leave empty holes beneath it, as these could attract snakes or other critters. Block off any openings under your furry friend’s house. If you’ve recently adopted a shelter dog, placing their doghouse in a quiet, secure location can help them feel more at ease in their new home. For more tips on helping your rescue dog adjust, check out our article on Helping Your Shelter Dog Settle In.


Want to have some fun with Fido’s outdoor home? Make a little sign for it! Or, add some pet-safe plants. You can also paint it. Make it match your house, or do something fun and different. Another option is to give your pooch a deck to sprawl out on. If you really want to score some tail wags, give your canine friend his own little yard, and add a kiddie pool, ramps, or even outdoor toys.

Our Advice on Doghouse Repair Month in 2024

What specific materials are best suited for building or repairing a doghouse to ensure its durability and insulation properties?

For building or repairing a doghouse, materials that ensure durability and proper insulation are crucial. Wood is a preferred choice due to its natural insulating properties, making it warm in winter and cool in summer. Cedar and pine are good options as they are naturally resistant to decay and pests. Avoid pressure-treated wood due to harmful chemicals. For added durability, use heavy-duty, weather-resistant paint or sealant. Consider using styrofoam or foam board for extra insulation under the roof and walls to keep the doghouse comfortable in various weather conditions.

How can dog owners determine the appropriate size of a doghouse based on their dog’s breed, size, and individual needs?

To determine the appropriate size of a doghouse, dog owners should ensure the structure is large enough for the dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably but not so large that it loses heat retention. The height of the doghouse should be approximately 25% taller than the dog’s height at the withers (top of the shoulders). The length and width should be about 25% longer than the dog’s body length. This sizing helps maintain a cozy environment, providing sufficient space without compromising warmth and security.

What are some signs that a dog may not be comfortable or safe in their current doghouse, indicating a need for repairs or replacement?

Signs that a dog may not be comfortable or safe in their current doghouse, indicating a need for repairs or replacement, include reluctance to enter or stay inside the doghouse, visible discomfort while inside, and signs of stress or anxiety. Physically, if the doghouse shows signs of wear, such as leaks, cracks, rot, or structural damage like protruding nails and splinters, it poses a safety risk to the dog. Additionally, if the doghouse does not provide adequate shelter from the elements, it should be repaired or replaced to ensure the dog’s well-being.

How often should dog owners inspect and clean their pet’s doghouse to maintain a healthy and sanitary environment?

Dog owners should inspect their pet’s doghouse regularly, ideally once a month, to ensure it remains in good condition and free from hazards such as sharp edges, protruding nails, or signs of deterioration like rot and mold. Cleaning should also be performed monthly or more frequently if needed. This includes removing any bedding, washing the interior with mild, pet-safe cleaners, and thoroughly rinsing and drying. Regular inspection and cleaning help maintain a healthy, sanitary environment, preventing issues like parasite infestations and ensuring the doghouse is safe and comfortable.

What are some additional features or amenities that can be added to a doghouse to improve a dog’s comfort and well-being?

Adding features to a doghouse can significantly improve a dog’s comfort and well-being. Installing insulation is vital for temperature control, keeping the doghouse warm in winter and cool in summer. An elevated floor helps protect against dampness and cold ground. For ventilation, a side window or vent ensures air circulation, preventing stuffiness. A weatherproofed exterior, using durable paints or stains, extends the life of the doghouse. Finally, soft bedding such as washable mats or fleece ensures a comfortable resting area, while an awning or porch can provide shade and protection from the elements.

As your Salem, VA pet clinic, we’re dedicated to helping keep our community’s pets healthy. Contact us anytime!

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