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New Year’s Resolutions Inspired By Dogs

January 1, 2019

Happy New Year! Are you setting resolutions for this year? If so, why not include your pup? Actually, Fido can be a great source of inspiration when it comes to setting goals. Read on as a Salem, VA vet lists some resolutions inspired by dogs.

Be Loyal

One of the best things about dogs is the fact that they are so loyal. Fido will stick with you no matter what, and will offer you cuddles, tail wags, and unwavering friendship on even the worst days. Be loyal to your loved ones!

Stop To Smell The Roses

As Ferris Bueller put it, life moves pretty fast. It’s important to take time to just relax and enjoy your surroundings. There’s no better way to do that than by taking a long walk with your furry best friend. Remember to enjoy those small peaceful moments as your pup is happily sniffing grass. For tips on making the most out of your walks and keeping them enjoyable for both you and Fido, check out our ‘Walking Your Dog’ article.

Explore New Places

Our canine buddies love to explore new places. Indulge Fido by visiting a new park or trail. You may also want to do some exploring this year. Go somewhere new in 2024!


Dogs are super adorable when they’re feeling playful. Fido’s joyful exuberance has a special way of making us smile. Take time to have some fun this year!

Enjoy Some Yummy Treats

A good diet is very important to both your health and your dog’s. That said, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a special snack every now and then. As for Fido, there’s nothing wrong with giving him treats, either, as long as you don’t go overboard.

Be Thankful

Fido has some adorable ways of showing his gratitude for the love and care you give him (as well as for bacon, belly rubs, and toys). Be grateful to those who have helped you!

Get Plenty of Exercise

Dogs love to run and play. If you want to get into shape this year, take a cue from your pup, and have fun with your exercise routine. Fido can also make a great workout buddy.

Get Enough Sleep

Did you know that Fido spends about half of his time sleeping? Make sure he has a good doggy bed. Also, remember to get plenty of rest yourself. Start the year off right by ensuring your pup is healthy and up-to-date on all wellness checks and vaccinations. Learn more about our ‘Wellness & Vaccinations’ services.

All of us here at Harris Animal Hospital, your Salem, VA vet clinic, want to wish you a wonderful new year. Please contact us anytime!

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