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Celebrating National Dog Day

August 15, 2021

There’s a pretty fun pet holiday coming up: National Dog Day is August 26th! While our canine pals deserve to be celebrated every day, this is a perfect chance to show Fido some extra TLC, and get that tail going. For more fun ideas on how to celebrate dog-related holidays, check out our article on Great Ways to Celebrate DOGust. Read on as a Salem, VA vet lists some things you can do to celebrate.

Cold Treat

August is the perfect time to enjoy a frozen snack. Pick up some doggy ice cream for Fido at a local pet store. You can also make your furry pal some pupsicles. (Store-bought treats are fine, too.)

Game Time

Head outdoors for some playtime. Fetch is always fun, but you can also try reworking classic children’s games for Fido. For example, you can make Red Light Green Light pet-friendly by changing the commands to Stay and Come. Tag is also a fun one to play with your pup.


Man’s Best Friend has a healthy sense of adventure, and loves visiting new places. Explore a new park or trail with your canine buddy.


There are few things cuter than watching a dog get excited over a new toy. Pick up some new playthings for your four-legged friend!

Spa Day

Fido probably won’t be very excited about a bath, but he will be more comfortable with a clean coat, and perhaps a pawdicure. Dogs like that salon-fresh feeling just as much as we do!

Pupscription Box

Want a gift that keeps on giving? Sign Fido up for his own doggy subscription box!

Learning Time

Our canine companions really like to please their humans. If your pooch is still working on basic obedience, focus on that. Otherwise, take time to teach Fido some new tricks. Roll Over will never stop being cute.

Yard Pupgrade

Does your furry friend have a yard to chase squirrels around in? Make it more dog-friendly by adding some things just for Fido. A doghouse is of course a perfect option. However, your pup may also like a kiddie pool or fountain to splash around in.

Belly Rubs

Dogs are very loyal, and really only want to spend time with their favorite humans. Fido is always happy napping at your feet, or just following you around the house. Enjoy some down time with your furry best friend.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your local Salem, VA animal clinic, today! For comprehensive care ranging from wellness exams to emergency services, check out our Veterinary Services. We’re here to help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

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