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Things You Should Know About Your Cat

August 1, 2021

Kitties are very purrplexing creatures. We may never entirely sort out why Fluffy randomly bites us as we are petting her, or sometimes follows us around, only to ignore us when we call her. However, while our feline friends may always be mysteries, we have learned a thing or two about some of their quirky behaviors. A Roanoke, VA vet lists a few that may surprise you in this article.

Fluffy Can Get Bored

Cats can spend a rather excessive amount of time sleeping. However, Fluffy does still need entertainment and stimulation when she’s awake. To keep your pet happy and amused, offer her toys, cat furniture, comfy window seats, and, of course, the occasional empty box.

Kitties Mask Signs Of Sickness

Kitties aren’t shy about letting us know their opinions on baths and car rides, but they aren’t always that forthright. One thing cats are definitely not as open about is when it comes to showing signs of sickness. Keep an eye out for subtle signs of illness, such as hiding and unkempt fur.

Fluffy Actually Does Love You

Is Fluffy showing affection when she jumps into your lap? Or is she just using you as furniture? In case you ever wondered, yes, cats really do love their humans. They just show it in odd ways sometimes, such as by biting, scratching, kneading, knocking things off counters, and even blinking at us.

She Can’t Sweat

Overheating is a huge hazard for cats, especially at this time of year. Fluffy can’t sweat to cool off, and panting isn’t very effective for her. Make sure your kitty always has clean water and access to cool spots.

She’s Only Half Asleep

Kitties are very tired, and can spend up to 20 hours a day snoozing. However, for a lot of that time, your furry pal won’t be completely zonked out: she’ll still be half-listening to what’s going on around her. That’s why you’ll likely see her ears move if you call her name mid-nap.

She’ll Be A Senior At Nine

Cats age slowly and gracefully, so you won’t likely see drastic changes happening quickly However, at this stage of her life, Fluffy will benefit from some extra TLC. Ask your vet for more information.

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help.

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