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Fido’s Thanksgiving Meal

November 15, 2021

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Many folks are already starting to plan their menus for the big day. Your canine pal may not be much help with cooking, but he’ll be more than happy to help you sample those mouth-watering dishes. Just be careful with what you feed your four-legged buddy: not everything on the menu is safe for Man’s Best Friend. A local Salem, VA vet discusses Fido’s Turkey Day menu below.


Fido definitely shouldn’t have any alcoholic beverages. However, he can enjoy some sodium-free chicken or beef broth.


You don’t want to overindulge your furry friend with appetizers, but he can have a few special treats. A little bit of bacon, sausage, or pepperoni is fine, given that it’s a holiday, though in general you should limit your pup’s intake of these fatty meats. Fido can also have a few meatballs or cocktail wieners, as long as they aren’t super spicy. Some deli meat is also okay, as are cooked eggs and small amounts of cheese.

Main Course

Your canine buddy will probably perk up when that turkey comes out of the oven. For his main course, Fido can have some of that delicious turkey meat. In fact, most types of meat, fish, or poultry are fine, though you don’t want to give your pooch too many organ meats. Just be sure to always remove the skin, bones, and fat. Also, don’t give your dog any meat on the bone. This is very dangerous, as cooked bones are very brittle, and can break into sharp pieces.


Did you know that many fruits and veggies can be good for Fido? Meat should make up the bulk of your dog’s menu, but your furry friend can have some yummy sides. Spinach, kale, broccoli, string beans, and peas are all fine. Cooked squash, pumpkin, and sweet potato are also safe, as long as they aren’t covered in toppings. As for fruits, your pooch can have some apple or banana slices. If you need help balancing your dog’s diet or managing his weight, especially during the holiday season when treats are plentiful, check out our Vet Nutrition & Weight Management services for expert advice and tailored nutritional plans.

Unsafe Foods

Be careful not to give your pup anything that isn’t safe! That list includes garlic, onions, and chives; avocado; pitted fruits; caffeine; chocolate; alcohol; grapes, currants, and raisins; raw dough; and anything containing xylitol or a lot of salt, sugar or fat. As you think ahead to the holidays, consider what gifts might delight your canine companion. For ideas on how to choose the perfect holiday gifts for your dog, check out our article on Choosing Holiday Gifts For Dogs. Ask your vet for more information.

Happy Thanksgiving from Harris Animal Hospital, your Salem, VA animal clinic. Call us anytime!

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